Señales de alerta
Certain behaviours can alert us that someone may be thinking or planning to take their own life. The presence of these signs does not always mean that the person is suicidal, nor does their absence mean that they are not planning to take their own life. Suicide is preventable, but difficult to predict.
If you notice these signs:
- seek help as soon as possible: go to your health centre or to the emergency room.
- Do not leave the person alone, organise a support network so that he/she is always accompanied.
- call 024 or 112 if danger is imminent.
Verbal signals:
- The person talks negatively about him/herself, expresses feelings of guilt, shame and/or worthlessness, feels a burden to others.
- Manifests intense feelings of sadness, anxiety, agitation, anger…
- He speaks with hopelessness about his future, perceives it negatively and with no reason to live. Expresses feeling empty, without hope or reason to live.
- Talks about death as a relief from his problems, says he wants to die
- Communicates severe physical or emotional pain.
- Communicates his intention to die, says goodbye
Changes in behaviour:
- Unexpected and unexplained changes in their behaviour and/or mood, extreme mood swings (irritability, irascibility, mood swings, sudden calmness…).
- Increase in high-risk behaviour, increased use of alcohol or other drugs.
- Personal neglect of both their health (food, sleep, etc.) and appearance
- Apathy, disinterest, withdrawal from friends and family, loss of ability to enjoy once fulfilling activities
- Research/plan on ways to die
- Attend to end-of-life issues: start giving away your belongings, pets, making a will…
- Making farewells with family, friends and/or closing social media accounts or ceasing activity in suspicious forums, unusual behaviour, sad posts, displaying self-harming content, etc.